Inspired by the iconic designs of Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar, the mark symbolizes progress and transcending limits—a concept important to Thom as it signifies pushing past today's personal boundaries. Crafted from circles aligned with the Golden Ratio, the logo achieves a timeless balance and scalability, ensuring its appeal both now and in the future.
Stella Nova Logo
Thom Campbell is an excellent executive and professional coach. But he struggled to stand out from all the other coaches out there. I designed him an identity that bucked the boring blue everyone else uses and gave him a powerful, timeless mark that was strong now and would prove even stronger as his business and brand grew.
Take a peek at these 🫣
Event design for Truth Central.
Identity and beer label design.
Logo and web design for Serving at the Crossroads.
Poster and branded apparel at McCann Worldgroup.
Graphic design and animation.
Brand identity and architecture for McCann Worldgroup.
Logo and package design for a diaper rash cream.
Brand identity, packaging, and creative direction for Redbird Cannabis.